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Ev 1663

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Loki2034 | 21:41 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
3 Answers

Finished the crossword and have the sentence from the extra letters and everything looks fine but can't see the sentence to be highlighted. I assume the words of the sentence form a symmetrical arrangement and the sentence passes through the unchecked letters of the ambiguous words.I fear I have made a mistake somewhere. I don't want to redo the crossword so any help greatly appreciated . 



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Have a look at the NW quadrant of the grid, close-ish to the centre and in a north-easterly sort of diagonal direction and part of a word might jump out at you. This is what clued me to the endgame after much staring.

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Gee. Thanks so much.Thank God , I didn't have to redo the crossword.

Surely if you enjoy crosswords, redoing it would double the pleasure ? 😁

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Ev 1663

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