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Auntypoll | 16:41 Tue 08th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
36 Answers

Why is it no longer possible to post a question on either of the above categories?



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What categories?

Question Author

The above categories, try reading the title of the post

Oh sorry.  I'll have a look.

Both look fine to me.

How strange. Perhaps EDs are on holiday.

Question Author

one can no longer post in site suggestion, or the editors blog

Exactly Auntypoll, neither can I.

Seems fine.

Both tested - see latest posts.  Both fine.

'Related Questions' suggest there have been issues of one kind or another since at least 2006. 🤨


I still can't.

INFAMY INFAMY, they've all got it infamy.

Are you doing right???

We've established that both categories are working well.  Anyone who is still experiencing problems should email the editor.  

///We've established that both categories are working well. ///

No you haven't, it's not working for me and at least one other. Complacency is not the answer.  If the Editor needs an explicit e-mail other than this thread, it's a poor show. No wonder I never donate.

Question Author

Its not working for me, there is no box to ask a question. I've tried on my phone and PC and its the same, both have different browsers.

Telling someone to email the Ed is both useless and a cop out. I've sent numerous emails regarding my avatar not showing and got not one reply.

We've established that it's working for other people, canary, and there's nothing to be gained by being rude to the mods.  We can't fix technical issues.  Only the editors can address that.

Auntypoll, that's the only advice I can give.


Welcome to the Editor's blog. Here is the place to ask questions about The AnswerBank.

If you need to get in touch with the Editor privately, please email:

theeditor AT theanswerbank DOT co DOT uk


I have no need to get in touch privately, I'm quite happy to publish shortcomings publicly.  If that's unacceptable, tough!

You are at liberty to post as you wish, canary.  If what you post is unacceptable it's not tough - it's removed.  

works fine for me, though I do agree emailing the ED is a waste of time.

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