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I can't imagine the Labour Party had anything to with this. Just ignore it. 

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Imagine again.

Things can only get better.  And they will, given time.

The people running down the country and our government will have egg on their faces.

I am afraid they have Clover. 

"Things can only get better."

Strangely, I've been hearing that since I was old enough to vote.

"And they will, given time."

Apart from between 1979 and 1990 they never have. I've no reason to believe that will change, especially with the current bunch of spivs, chancers and charlatans we have in charge.

Yes, @uklabour is the official Labour Party TikTok handle, shockingly ...

//The people running down the country //

2TK and Robber Reeves have dont this since day one.

Jam tomorrow, Sandy? Meanwhile the top table is laden with goodies as per.

-- answer removed --

"Larry for PM" is something that have said many times.

But this idea is totally whacky and weird.


that's their latest PPB me old china.

I cringed so hard I think I've sprained something....😮

With the Labour government having been in power for only 6 months - most Abers seem to have already forgotten the last 14 years of Tory rule - which was the most corrupt/incompetent/dishonest government during my entire lifetime (and I was born in the 1950s).

The point is the Tory government wasn't " corrupt/incompetent/dishonest" for all its 14 years, whereas this labour government has been corrupt/incompetent/dishonest for all its six months.

To date, there has only been one allegation of corruption (by a Labour minister), on a scale that a Tory minister would be proud to have been engaged in (and these were endemic during the 14 years of Tory rule).

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Oh My Giddy Aunt

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