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elizabethc14 | 08:46 Fri 10th Feb 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers

I'm stuck on the last one.

A printed symbol used, for example, to replace a letter in a naughty word? (7 letters)

I have E-N-B-T



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could be dingbat are you sure about the first E?

ding�bat [ d�ng b�t ] (plural ding�bats)



1. printer's symbol: a symbol or ornamental character used in a printed work, e.g. a star or pointing hand

Dingbat is a possible answer...if your E is wrong! One definition of the word is "a text-embellishing symbol".
Oh dear, oh dear!
Question Author
Thanks for that. My E was wrong. Have sorted it now.

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