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Things you might find in the Countryside.

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Granny C | 14:07 Thu 14th Sep 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
44 Answers
Would anyone help me please.

1.Ultimate,do say.
2.Cut tail short for a bit of foliage.
3.Harass persistently.

Thanks in advance.


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2) Dock Leaf
3) Badger
Question Author
So quick Valerieb, thank you very much
I'm still struggling
I need
1 4 19 17 18 19 22 23 25 30 33 34 35 38 44
I know thats a lot I must be losing the plot
Question Author
smouse I too am struggling, swap you No.23. Grasshopper, for either No.4 or 7 please
Can you post some more clues please.
Question Author
Thanks valerieb. I just can't fathom this one, here are some more.
4,All except the present tenth.
10.Spoke before the seventh.
11.Shows fear.
12.Secret Agent.14,The green one was far away
17.Long for this man.

Much appreciated if you could help.
I thinl No 7 could be Bluebell Wood
17. Pinemartin
11) Quails
Not done 4 - 7 is bluebell wood
12) Mole
12 is mole
14 I just put hill
Question Author
Smouse I too put Hill but wasn't sure.Thanks Valerieb you are on a roll,you too quizling and smouse
Seeing as you are on form valerie
18 Northerners play in the mere
19 Two walk through the countryside
22 Pro ease
25 Shortened body of water exclaims
27 Overhead blue prank
30 Final testament in poor spirits
and loads more - lol
Question Author
smouse No27. Skylark
27) Skylark
30) Willow
22) Forest
Pro = FOR
Ease = REST

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Things you might find in the Countryside.

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