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Things you might find in the Countryside.

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Granny C | 14:07 Thu 14th Sep 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
44 Answers
Would anyone help me please.

1.Ultimate,do say.
2.Cut tail short for a bit of foliage.
3.Harass persistently.

Thanks in advance.


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Have you got 21. please Smouse --- Knitting stitch was a 50's racer
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Have you got 21 please smouse- knitting stitch was a 50's racer.
Question Author
sorry didn't mean to duplicate previous message
and the rest
33 Where Lily comes from
34 Drink leads overwhelming defeat
35 One just mentioned measure for emblem
38 Second luggage ledge indicates before
44 Ballet with eighteen

see granny look what you started - lol
Drink = T ( tea )
Defeat = ROUT
Thanks valerie had got the rout bit but rumrout, whiskyrout beerrout just didnt fit - lol
may have to start a new thread soon to recap
Hi, What is this quiz? Can anyone take part? how can I get one? when is the closing date?
33) Could it be Lily ( POND )
to Brightbreeze
Hi you can copies of this quiz from
12 Hillside
Overdale Park
North Yorkshire
BD23 6XF

Sorry brightbreeze forgot to say the closing date is 26 October
Could 19, be bramble ?
Hi smouse
I have valley for no33 "Where Lily comes from"
38 bracken ?
Question Author
Brightbreeze, sorry have only just come on but I see someone andswered your question, just one other thing, the price is only 30p.
thanks wendypol I like valley but couldnt get past pond
if anyone has lost the plot these are the ones I dont have
Ultimate to say
All except the present tenth
spoke before the seventh
norhterners play in the mere
shortened body of water exclaims
one just mentioned measure for emblem
ballet with eighteen
Hi smouse & Granny C,
I'm probably way off the mark with this, but worth a try.
Spoke before the seventh.....SEDGE.
Spoke = SAID
Seventh letter of the alphabet = G.
ultimate to say - furze sounds like first (?)
35. One just mentioned etc - I've got Thistle (this + ell)

44. Ballet etc - might be Swan Lake, if number 18 is Lake.

I'm not certain of these answers and haven't got any of the others either.

I don't think this has been asked yet but has anyone got number 40 - A spiritual leader to a 't' (as spelt).

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Things you might find in the Countryside.

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