1. Gin and Tonic:
Gin and Tonic, was created as a way for Englishmen/Military in tropical colonies to take their daily dose of quinine, a very bitter medicine used to ward off malaria.
Morning O-ice, I've been waiting for you!
In the words of Dirty harry -"Do you feel lucky, Punk?"
Seriously tho' I was about to quote the following in favour of GIN AND TONIC - but you beat me to it (again)! http://www.ginandtacos.com/forums/000298.html
Hi Crofter I was away from the computer as Norton antivirus does a scan every Friday night at 8 pm and trying to do anything while the scan is running is worse than trying to pour molasses in January.
No, Punk doesn't feel lucky at all. Punk feels nervous. They said it's easier to climb up than to climb down and I gotta feeling the ladder will be a tall one to fall off this week.
I feel the snapping at my heels already.