These are all something to do with christmas eg carol, song, a line from a carol or song, a phrase, christmas film, festive food or whatever and all are in square boxes. The reason for telling you this is that some are in the centre, left or right hand side of the box. Dingbat =
a) LONE (in centre of box)
b) TURKEY (left hand side of box) SSSSSSS
d) Xmas Or Portillo Woof O
F) Perforated Babe
Stitch (speech bubble from stitch) It hurts when you touch me
Banks's Original
h) this ones a bit tricky to explain but here goes
In the bottom left hand corner of the square is a symbol I will explain it the best way I can.
A capital letter 'C' - the opening of the 'C' facing upwards and a line top to botom through the 'C' looks like a rounded off fork.
a speech bubble from that saying "There you go, that's my Lancelot; let me have it back when you've finished with it"
I would be grateful for any help Cheers Legolassie
New to this site so hope I do this right. Thoughts on the flue dingbat ^ is called a caret so what about mince pie and carrot under the chimney or at foot of the chimney
Sorry for my earlier commnets. They were intended as unstructured ramblings - and that's just what they were!
I like candled's "Mince Pie and Carrot at the Foot of the Chimney", but has it been recognised?
Also for (e) , I assume that the L's should have been omitted. However, I ask "Are the two lines of letters identical or does the top line stand out?"
The first has solution "Noel, Noel" the second has solution "The First Noel"
24. Best I've come up with is 'Christmas Crackers' ie the word Noel mixed up/confused. Don't really think it's right though and I can't get anything for number 45.