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Home again.

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elderly | 15:51 Sun 18th Feb 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Just to thank everyone for their good wishes regarding 'Mr' elderly whilst he was in hospital. He is now home again and I'm sure it won't be too long before he is asking for your help again.
Many thanks.


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Excellent news!. I had got your email and will reply later.

Best wishes K
That's marvellous news, hope both Mr elderly and yourself are now able to take things more easily. Best wishes (S).
Great news - I hope the recovery to full health continues and at speed.
Oh Mrs Elderly, Thank you so much for letting us know that your husband is now home. I've been so worried about him - and you - and am so pleased to hear your good news. How is your arm? With very best wishes to you both, and looking forward to your receiving queries from your husband again, Kettledrum
mr & mrs elderly, happy for you both, tell him to take it easy for while and hand him the Sunday newspapers.
best regards
Good news! Best wishes to you both.
Kindest regards to you both. Hope Mr elderly is back to good health soon. Both of you take care!
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thank you all so very much for your kind wishes.

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