Just to let anybody know, if they've not already checked .. the March generalist has been available on-line since last evening. I have made a good start but stuck on two at present, will continue to try to dig-out these two answers, but not getting close to them at present and may need to look for assistance in due course! ;0)
Oh well done Slaney ...a Nod is as good as a wink !!
I am still tearing my hair out over the debt and am rummaging through my Oxford Words and Phrases .
The sanskrit treatise is ...http://www.dvaita.org/sources/shruti/translati on.html
I didn't have any trouble with the ones you have struggled with. I am having troubel with 17a you'll probably think but thats easy. :-) No answers yet but would be grateful for hints please
Jools ..you probably have the same wrong answer that I had earlier .. i.e. first word Chapeau. If you look at message on this thread from Shaneystar (timed 1533) .. it should put you right.
sarumite will you be coming back to this thread tomorrow. I am of to my bed now as I have an early start tomorrow. I still have a few to do and I think may need a bit of help. O shall I just post another thread?
hi sarumite - I hope you'll come back here later today, as usual I'm chasing my tail over some of the colloquials - so to speak, and could really use some help.
Will check back about round 9.00 your time, thanks Steff.