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surgeon and son

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devilwoman | 17:48 Thu 22nd Feb 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
a man and his young son were walking along a quite street when a car ploughed into them killing the man instantly, the boy was rushed to hospital and prepared for surgery to save his life.
the surgeon walked in,saw the boy and pronounced .
" i cant operate on this boy, he is my son"

solve this, how can this be?


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the surgeon is the boys mother
Surgeon is the mother
the surgeon is his mother
-- answer removed --
haha! that went well!
Brothers and sisters have I none but this man is my cousin's son.
* sorry should have been father's rather than cousin's, otherwise it is complete nonsense.
Question Author
damm it, : 0)

i'm sulking now
is the answer.
the boy was beamed back in time to the future. as time folded. the windows in a little yellow Fiat, exploded and sprayed across the operating table ????
Question Author
it was his mother : 0 (
are you sure ????
Question Author
aye absolutly sure

could it have been someone else ???

you know, covered in blood and bruises ???

wearing the same type of clothing ???

or, was she dreaming... nightmares can do funny things to a womans mind !!!
Question Author
funky, it was his b****y mother, ggrrrrr
wasnt !

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surgeon and son

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