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Baby02 | 20:14 Wed 11th Apr 2007 | Animals & Nature
8 Answers
Whats the differance between cat milk and normal milk?
My daughter has just asked me this and I aint got a clue...Helppppppppp


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Check here for comparison's of various milk contents...
(Scroll about 2/3 of the way down the page).
I think normal milk is for humans and cats milk is for Cats
would love to read your link clanad but it keeps saying page not available, have i gremlins, ? please try again so's i can find it :-)
Mine works OK, Baby02 ... but here's the direct link:
thank you clanad :-)
normal milk contains too much lactose or sumthing for cats which is rich and can make them sick. cat milk doesnt!
For all you know, if you don't know the difference, you may have been drinking catmilk all these years.
A simple test has been devised by an eminent biologist.
He has a miniature milking machine, based almost exactly on the standard cow milking machine. This can be bought or rented through Woolworths. This is best performed when the cat has kittens
Connect the machine to the cat. Always ensure that it is a female, as this could cause the male cat a great deal of embarrassment. Milk the cat as per the instruction leaflet.
Next prepare two bowls of weetabix. In one bowl, put the recently milked catmilk and in the other bowl, put in the cows milk.
Hold the kittens back until both bowls are equidistant apart. Then let the kittens go. The kittens will go to the bowl with the catmilk in. Hope this helps. P.S. If you have young children, see which bowl they go to. It's great fun.

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