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k - if you are there

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MacSmith | 17:15 Tue 08th May 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Can you please explain to this dense brain cell why Everyman 20A is Dutch Elm Disease? I can't see how it satisfies half of the clue.


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anagram of Causes the middle
Hi Macsmith

It is a very clever anagram of 'causes the middle' to rot (i.e to decay and indicate the anagram!)
The other part is'What bark beetles help to cause' is a definition.

Cheers K
I see two of us answer to K !
Sorry, I wasn't aware it was a private club ! Just tryng to help.
Of course it's not a private club. Not sure what you are getting at ?
Question Author
Thank you both very much. Amazing how I can miss the obvious. You are dead right K - it is clever.
Yes it was a good one. We'll 'speak' again soon.

Cheers K

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k - if you are there

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