This is The Sunday Times "Where Was I?" competition that's featured on the penultimate page of the Travel section of the newspaper each week. Alternatively, it's available free online.
The idea is that the writer takes a tour of a particular area of Britain and discusses landmarks in a cryptic fashion that enables you to answer two questions each week.
Here's the link to this weeks puzzle: tyle/travel/where_was_i/article1271593.ece
The problem with this week's puzzle is that the World Heritage Site is sometimes known by more than one name according to various internet sources. Unless the answer is precise, you don't win.
Sorry if I seemed vague, but there are many people on AB Quizzes & Puzzles who do this one every week and they would know in an instant what I was talking about.
If you have a go at it yourself, you'll need a good road atlas handy!