Don't know if this it right but my daughter says its Mr Big (Chris Noth) from Sex in the City, never seen it myself and I can't find this exact picture but I can see a likeness.
You probably won't beleive this but I have just logged on to give you Chris Noth - I guessed it when I first got the quiz but every one at work shouted me down so I went back to the drawing board. One day smouse one day x
Sorry I meant Michael Bolton - only just found this thread again to put it right. The only ones I've fully completed so far are 3, 4, 8, 9, 11 (Ithink), 12 and 13. I've got all the people in 1 and 2 but can't work out the odd one. Some of the others are so hard to identify the pictures never mind work out the odd one/connection! Will soldier on.
Cant find exact picture but think you are right - I thought you had lost it when I saw Michael Ball - lol
This is what I have and I am happy to give you my answers if you want
1 finished
2 now have pics so will work on odd one out
3 finished
4 finished
5 finished
6 I think until we get 6c I wont get anywhere
7 need 7c and is 7d Demi Moore?
8 and 9 finished
10 confused!
11 finished if 11c is just angel?
12 13 finished
14 lost
15 finished
I suppose that is better than I thought
Will now try to do 2
regarding no 7 - 7c is Adam Sandler and d is Demi Moore. I think I found a connection with a day of the week.. As for no 10 it could be children's book titles but I'm not sure. Totally given up on no 6!
scrolled through pages of pics to try to find adam sandler yesterday but not no joy of course if I had tired wikipedia first - lol
Got the connection too now thanks
I had a similar thought on 10 but couldnt make it fit with pictures c and d so will work on it. Is d a cow or a horse?
thanks a lot