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crofter | 20:41 Fri 17th Aug 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
87 Answers
This will be very brief as the screen is a little blurred! Red wine, you say? Not so, on two counts!

Firstly, I underwent lasekeye surgery two days ago. Secondly, I am drinking Rose Wine!

I need to go for a check-up tomorrow at 9.00am, so I won't be there for the launch of Week 3. That leaves me with three short messages.

1. Alibobs Good luck, kidder, you're on your own!

2. Jools Do all in your power to extend your lead!

3. Rest of You Cheat if you have to, but get in front!

Who's two-faced?



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Hello again. Had a quick sandwich and then spilled a glass of blackcurrant all over my cream lounge carpet!!!!!!It's been one of those days today. Looked after my granddaughter who found a box of confetti and we ended up throwing it over each other in the lounge. Told you I was mad!!! Laney did you read my message about your photo?
Must say it looks very inviting - I think I will have to raid the drinks cabinet. :-)
Hey ...just read Alibobs you think that was a clue? Wine..grapes...hmmm!!!
Mmmm........ Yes you may have something there Pauline........
Sarumite did pop in but disappeared quickly, but the others obviously are scared of the power of the women!!
Well it's good to see that you ladies are behaving yourselves tonight ... presumably not enough of the vino yet?? sound as mad as me!!
Jools...either that or forms of transport....I mean do you really believe Alibobs can ride a bike after she has had a drink!!!
Yes Kay I did, agree with you what would be do without them
Whoops that was Jools on the bike!!!....and I haven't had a drink yet...I was driving tonight!
Tomotto and tomotto and tomotto creeps on this proverbial pace !
I'm on the Cointreau and ice sarumite you had the last of the wine as usual.
Hey Sarumite...have you tidied your garden up yet?
No Pauline that was Jan on the bike........ I think I'll have one of what your having. :-)'s those magic mushrooms from Sarumites!!!
I'm still looking for bottles that aren't empty Pauline ... fat chance!!
Have just arrived with supplies-am totally B & B'd out with the quiz, so need some W and more W.
Ooops what happened there?????
I'm having a job posting on here tonight, so am way way behind all you lot, dont drink it all keep some forme.

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