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crofter | 20:41 Fri 17th Aug 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
87 Answers
This will be very brief as the screen is a little blurred! Red wine, you say? Not so, on two counts!

Firstly, I underwent lasekeye surgery two days ago. Secondly, I am drinking Rose Wine!

I need to go for a check-up tomorrow at 9.00am, so I won't be there for the launch of Week 3. That leaves me with three short messages.

1. Alibobs Good luck, kidder, you're on your own!

2. Jools Do all in your power to extend your lead!

3. Rest of You Cheat if you have to, but get in front!

Who's two-faced?



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I'll have what your having Jools!!!!! :-)
Isn't Sarumite's house posh???
Good evening Sarumite,hope you are well. SSHhhhh Pauline I must be extra nice to him because he knows who broke into his shed!!!!!
Wow ... loads of the hard stuff.. thanks Jools (twice!) and Barbara.
See....Sarumite....Kay just owned up!!!!!....told you it was nothing to do with me!!!
Hi evsajo ... good to see you know how to behave !!! Maybe it will rub off on that Pauline??
Now I AM confused!!
Well at the rate you drink it sarumite.......... thought I' be on the safe side and double order. :-)
Laney the important bit was you posting a pic. of yourself!!!!!It's quite pleasant here tonight but isn't it supposed to be raining? I think I will have a glass of my usual (baileys) but tragedy I've run out of Snakajacks
No sarumite thats the drink.
Kay ...behave.!!!...huh.....Sarumite you should have seen what she was doing through the back window of the coach last week!!!
Pauline you promised not to tell anyone!! Anyway you dared me to do it!
I'll try Kay - sorry you've run out of supplies I am sure S will have some tucked away in a cupboard somewhere.
I am off to bed now am having trouble posting and am loosing my temper with the wretched thing. night all.
We have evidence on CCTV ... I must admit to being a little shocked!!
G'night Laney zzzzzz
Goodnight Laney,have a good nights sleep. See you in the morning, Love Kayx
Well S, what happened was--there were loads of us on a bus---gen2 wanted the loo--I arrived on me broomstick--evsajo on her bike (I think)--we then arrived in your garden. The rest is a blur of funny green plants and pickled onions.
I rest my case M' Lud.
Goodnight Laney...hey Sarumite you could sell copies!!
Night Laney - I'm off now too, so sarumite you canfinish off the wine now. Goodnight all see you in the morning. xx

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