Q 49.
This is no fun at all. Which is the largest proper fraction that can be made using each of the digits 0 to 9 once each only?
I'd be glad of some help please.
For example, when asked to use the digits 0 to 9 once each to make a proper fraction (that is, less than one) as large as possible, the solution gives the explanation that the fraction will be ABCDE/FGHIJ, where A is one less than F, BCDE is as large as possible and GHIJ is as small as possible. But that logic would lead to 49876/50123, and not the correct answer 69854/70123. The correct answer was given, but it certainly was not deduced in the way Maslanka stated.
Eddiebun, Thank you so much. Numbers are certainly not my strong point and googling didn't help. If you need an answer just ask as I've finished the rest.