Sci-fi / fantasy novel... in The AnswerBank: Arts & Literature
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Sci-fi / fantasy novel...

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TommyC | 13:33 Tue 22nd Jun 2004 | Arts & Literature
6 Answers
Bit of a long shot, but... Several years ago I read a dust-cover precis of a modern fantasy novel in a bookshop.... Something to do with hi-tech machinery mal-functioning.,..robots gone haywire, etc. Not Westworld, which I know very well... And it contained the phrase 'exploding rush-hour commuters', set in London I think, which I remembered for obvious reasons..! Didn't buy the book in the end, and then of course forgot both author and title and never managed to find it since... Now I'd like to treat myself to it for the summer... Do any of you well-read AB'ers recognise it, please...?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Have just done a search and can't find anything but am a bit concerned that i may be getting a call from the FBI as my google search was "book on exploding commuters". Oh dear. *waits patiently for terrorist squad* oh and i didn't even find the bloomin book. Have you looked at Asimov's stuff the robots things sould up his street...
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Can't give you three stars without a title, I'm afraid, Becks... :o) but I'm very grateful for your answer... Definitely not Asimov, as it was an author I'd not heard of before, hence my forgetting his name...!! PS I'll bail you out when the FBI come calling, but only if you have dinner with me afterwards.. Talk about killing two birds with one stone...!! :o)
Oooh sounds good to me!! Try looking on amazon and searching through their sci-fi section or there's some book website that people talk about on here but i can't remember what it's called - they might know x
The book site is http://forums.abebooks.co.uk/abesleuthuk they also have a US version (there's a link on the site). The blurb description sounds familiar, but I'm afraid I can't think what it is (and haven't had time to try a search).
how about philip K dick? also does the film i, robot seem at all relevant?
never heard of that but i do recommend Gateway which my boyfriend gave to me fabulous book. outstanding

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