Question Author
As the above implies - things have not been all sweetness and light here this morning, having had not one but two preambles consigned to cyber space by whoever is in charge of these things, which has really taken the sparkle out of my day and now I have to remember what I wrote before - eerrr, well some of it might get left out !!
At this rate, it won't be long before one of the trusty regulars - probably Aquagility [ because sarumite might just be sleeping off mal de mer, after last night ] will trudge through sleet and snow to collect his paper, and provide us with the link words from this morning's Crossword by Kate - just a quick question at this point - don't you lot get your papers delivered over there ?? we do, does that make us more civilised ??? oops, sorry I asked
By now we all know the rules - or we make it up as we go along, and better late than never, a hearty welcome to pinpoint who joined us for the first time last week and I hope will continue to do do.
Right, before the cyber fairy makes off with this,Good Luck to us all, let's hope this is a busy one with lots of points to go around