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ST Where was I ?

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dipstik | 15:53 Sun 20th Jan 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
I am in the Newburgh Priory area, but cannot find this village with a pub and church (Saints Day 20 Marcch)


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Coxwold village certainly has pubs and is the general site if St. Augustines church - long since demolished. Or could be Hustwaite or Stocking Village as former church site is a bit vague, but no mention of pub in these two.
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We think it is CRAYKE - to the East of Easingwold. It is definitely St Cuthbert who has a day on 20 March

Good Luck - hope you win
Crayke definitely has a connection with Saint Cuthbert, i.e. a church of that name and also once had a castle.
And the businessman was Joseph Rowntree.

Good luck
Question Author
Thank You never spotted connection with Crayke

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