This quiz still has TWO MONTHS to run.
I think we have been down this road with other quizzes.
I do help and have been helped in the past with various questions which have been causing problems.
There are many generous people out there willing to help.
All quizzers - fun or otherwise - really need to have some kind of moratorium about not posting requests for unknown answers until two weeks or so before a closing date.
By the time the date approaches nearly every single question in a particular quiz has been asked on Answerbank.
Anyone could just sit back and harvest other peoples efforts without any of their own.
It can't be that everyone is THAT desperate to win - the prizes are hardly life changing - and usually the charities ask for entry money up front.
Can we show a little restraint please !!
(I compose charity quizzes myself and do appreciate the funds generated by quizzers everywhere)