Arabesque are you around ? I'm struggling yet again with this weeks scrabble - best score so far is 34 - a long way from 48 - can anyone do better ? thanks
Same as gen2 at present - just COMPARABLE. I feel there should be a word down from D1D2 or D3 with K on the double letter, so that total equals 24 when doubled makes the 48 required. Will keep working on it.
You are a genius - cannot see many people getting that one.
I have never won anything on scrabble only on the dt crossword puzzles but if I, by some wild chance do, then I'll sure find a way of sharing it with you
Hope you win Rockfordill - I've won the Scrabble twice fairly recently - so won't be entering for a while. You hang on to the book token if you are lucky enough to win it. Good luck.