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MM & KM Links February 2008 [Week 4]

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gen2 | 21:00 Fri 22nd Feb 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
121 Answers
Goodness me, week four already and the last chance for King Fordward to bamboozle you all with his choice of words. So far he has been doing a lot of reminiscing and we'll have to wait until the morn's morn to know if this is still the case or whether he will be bringing us up to date. The leadership board has been in a state of flux all month, currently showing freebi2 at the top but closely chased by ladyalex, Dustybun, evsajo, Jools & sarumite. Will one of those gain the crown? Or could an outsider come good with multiple hits? Whatever happens, it promises to be an exciting finish.

Now I have some news for you all - crofter is coming back. He will be resume control of this game as soon as I announce the results on Sunday evening. Whether he will gain control over you lot remains to be seen, but you don't want to incur the wrath of crofter. To that end I am looking for volunteers to tidy up the shrubbery and remove all evidence of revelry and debauchery. We also need someone to organise things and someone to get you all going. I think I know just the person:- "Cooee Pauline, are you around tonight?".


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Yes Kay ...she is!!! Gone to bed exhausted!!
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As evsajo says, we youngsters need our beauty sleep so:-

Goodnight, See you all in the morning.
YOUNGSTERS!!!....Oh dear me!!
I think I'm probably the oldest one in here tonight - probably the oldest one on AB,!! so I think I must go to bed soon, hope to get some sleep before tomorrows MM and KM links.
Anybody left in the shrubbery ?
Goodnight All, and Pauline... Goodnight surrogate NannyXXX
I am still here x-ray...waiting to put Kay to bed!!!!
Only me, now filling my 4th bin bag!! Night night.

definitely time to chivvie you lot off to bed so you're all on deck at a reasonable hour later - goodness, you're a rotten lot of stop-outs !!
Well x-ray...if you are the have more staying power!!! Good for you!!
miss meg ... I have 5!!
seekeerz...just got up???
Just popped in to say good night all. Didn't really think anyone else would be up. We have a visitor, so been entertaining. 'See' you all in the morning

not quite, pauline - it's 10.45am over here and I've just posted a query from my local paper quiz, then came over to find the party just winding down - gee, there's an awful mess in the shrubbery - who's doing the clean-up before crofter gets back?? the boys ?? [not likely lol !! ]
No chance seekeerz!!..They all ran off!...

Hi sorry it's raining in the Algarve...honestly!!...:-)))
Better pop to bed for a couple of hours!!...see you soon!!!

oooo pauline- if you tell fibs like that, your nose will grow !!!
Trouble is when it rains the satellite goes off air, so no English channels, so here we are with this guest we don't know very well, here on his own, because his wife (who we do know well) had to go off to her pregnant daughters and there's no point in going sightseeing as the sheets of rain means there's no sights to be seen. What a long sentence. That's totally done for me, so off to bed, no more messing.
Give him a Mills and Boon!!

night, night, you rowdy lot !!

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MM & KM Links February 2008 [Week 4]

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