Another month has flown by and we're down to the last week yet again - doesn't time just fly when you're having fun !!! and I'm not joking, actually - weekends seem to come around far more quickly than I remember, but at least I'm enjoying the days as they gallop past.
Now I wonder what Kate has in store for us this morning - something strange and convoluted or four nice straight forward uncomplicated links ?? I'm betting on the former if the last couple have been anything to go by but we'll just have to wait and see - sometime down the track our trusty early riser will provide us with those links and the fun will begin again.
As usual, the same rules [or lack thereof] applies, just don't forget when you go over to MM. The game will conclude Monday morning [your time] so there's plenty of time for late entries.
At present, DizzyLizzie rules the roost with a very creditable 10 points, let's see how everyone does, in the final count-down.