Welcome to this, the fourth and final week in the reign of Lady Lysander, who has had mixed fortunes with her launches. Last weekend could be described as being from Startrek ~ "To boldly go where no man has gone before"! (Private Joke)
Look out for Lysander's posting which should appear at 8.45am and her four words to be linked should be declared at 9.00am tomorrow, when MM Links kicks off in earnest. I say "should", but I'll be standing by just in case! Don't forget this is the final Round for April, when the new Champion is crowned and takes over the mantle as Link Setter for the month of May.
This week, I have been putting the final touches to the Third Dragonfly Quiz for imminent launch ~ so look out for publicity postings from Pauline Ward. She puts the dragon in DRAGONfly! Not so! She is a tireless crusader for a just cause! St George himself would think twice before entering the shrubbery.
Don't forget the international version of this same game is called KM Links, which kicks off at the unearthly hour of about 06.30am! This is usually organised by my very good friend and "fellow" conspirator, seekeerz, who keeps score in the "Sister" Link Game. She is another tireless crusader from the Land of Oz. This weekend she is having a break and worthy birthday boy,sarumite is providing the cover.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring? Why don't you tune in and find out!
Hi Alibobs everyone seems to be going to bed early tonight. Pauline seems to have vanished too.
I am getting a sore throat tonight so I think I could be getting a cold.I swear by Fishermens friend sweets, but i have got none left!!!!
Pauline where are the Fishermans friend? I suppose I put them away when I was tidying up!!!!!
I can't remember telling you I had been belly dancing.Lindsey goes to a class and has won awards!!!
There are still so many secrets about me!!!!!
Does anyone know what Strix's letters meant?
Hey sarumite...I really hope you've had a good Birthday...I know you have committments...but we will have a late celebration in July!!!
At least we've had some cyber fun and games...talking of which..did you know there was a new quiz out?? Games People Play?...
You might hear of it soon enough!!!