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Find the First Name quiz

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OAP10 | 15:55 Sun 01st Jun 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
34 Answers
Can anyone give a clue to the following
7. On the look out around Beachy head [6 letters male name beginning with A]
12. Ancient Ottoman ruler is heard. [6 letters female name beginning with S]
26. Musical instrument about her [7 letters female name beginning with R]
41. sounds like old meat. [6 letters male name beginning with G or H]
88. Confused at last. [5 letters female name beginning with B or C]


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Question Author
86. Cherie - French for darling.

My copy of the puzzle has not got a clue no14. is this only missing on mine.

What is the reasoning behind Sharon for no 12 ?
no 14 seems to be missing on everyones but it doesn't affect the order
Question Author
still struggling with

88. Confused at last. [5 letters female name beginning with B or C]

Is anyone able to give a clue ?
look at the last answer
Question Author
Thanks smouse for the clue.

Sharon has been suggested as the answer for 12. What is the reasoning ?
41 Graham

88 Celia (Anagram of Alice - answer to last clue)
Question Author
Thanks Empty.

Have you any thoughts on No12.

Sharon has been suggested, but I cannot get fully relate it to the clue
Thanks for the solution to "confused at last"- its been driving me mad! I wouldn't have thought of using the last clue for the answer.
I asked the person compiling the Quiz for Q14, and it was something like " a Town in Israel where Roses grow" , hence Sharon- but as it was omitted as a mistake, the answer to this will not be counted. - Though it helped to know the answer.
40 Nadine as in AD in NINE
86 Cherie
I seem to be stuck on questions 77 and 83, any ideas?
Question Author
77. Paul, Sounds like Pall

83. Philip.

Do you have any thoughts on No 12 ?
I've gone for Sophie for number 12, as a Sophy is an persian emperor. It fits in with all other names. Some body suggested Sharon , but appariantly that would of been the answer to number 14 if it was posed.
Can anyone help me with no. 23 -
Dunderhead is greedy
5 letters boys name

Question Author
We think the answer to No 23 is David - D avid

hope this helps

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