I'm doing a quiz and one of the clues is "what course does the inky wrinkly take" and I'm wondering if anyone has heard of an INKY WRINKLY ? There's no theme to the quiz. Thanks
yes, Lie-in King, it's actually a clue in a leisure hunt and we couldn't see anything to fit. I thought that if I knew what an inky wrinkly was , I could find the location but I've Googled Inky and wrinkly but no results.
I don't know, it's really hard. I haven't heard of such a course, piggling, or else I could have tried it myself !!! Thanks anyway, I'm off to bed now to sleep on it.
Thanks everybody for your ideas. I'm going to set this quiz aside for a week or so and then go out again and see if I can get any hints from the area the quiz covers. I just posted the question to see if anyone had heard of the phrase "INKY WRINKLIES" but it seems to be a made up thing by the setter. Thanks again.