can anyone convert these numbers into latittude & longitude. The 1st 4 lines are for the northings, the last 3 lines are for the westings. Here goes: 00001100'00000001.11111111 00000001'00001000.11100000 00100000'00000111.11111000 00001000'00001011.01001010
It looks to me as if they are in the form
<degrees>'<minutes>.<fractional minutes>
If so, I get latitudes
N 12� 01.99609375'
N 01� 08.875'
N 32� 07.96875'
N 08� 11.2890625'
and longitudes
E 000� 06.4609375'
E 000� 07.2734375'
E 000� 32.1953125'
The values for the degrees all appear to be positive and I have therefore assumed that they conform to the convention that latitudes north of the equator and longitudes east of Greenwich are treated as positive.