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thank you for your replies which I am grateful for. Sqad617, yes, my skin is dry and I do feel tired and also have slept badly for several months now. I'm ok once I get off to sleep but sometimes stay awake till 2am. Den53, no, the flushing is not due to the menopause. I went through that around 9years ago but these flushes come and go although not as severe as the meno. I am not due for another thyroid blood test till June but will make an appt shortly to request one taking my facts with me and will ask for a copy of the report once the result is back. I do wonder if they will charge for a copy of the report - anyone know? Its just that going on to another subject, I had a knee operation a few months back & they took pictures of the problem inside my knee during surgery. I asked medical records if I could have a copy (A4 size) as it was interesting to see and was sent the forms asking for �50 for getting the copy! needless to say, I didn't get it - thought that was far too much money! thank you once again for replying