Well, what a good start to this morning this has been - not !!!!!
Isn't it always the way - when you need something to run smoothly, the poltergeists are out and about, gumming up the works,
For reasons best known to them, the Daily Telegraph has printed last week's crossword online and so far, it doesn't seem to have been rectified, so we will all just have to sit patiently and wait until one of our early risers [who are all currently enjoying some extra time under the covers ] realise our predicament and come to our rescue.
With no way of knowing what time that might be, who would like a small wager that I'm trying to post the start of the MM links at the same time the KM words come to hane - gives a whole new meaning to multi tasking !!!
OK it's lift off time, let's see what happens - Good luck
Can I just say how much better I like the new way of scoring in the KM links game. I cannot get the Telegraph crossword online without paying for the privilege (again, over the cost of the paper and its delivery), besides which, part of the joy of a more leisurely Saturday breakfast is my usual struggle with the link words.