Yes. Put simply, it is the same as the KM links but the scoring is now different from the KM game since that one changed the system last month.
The Origin.
Originally the MM game was exactly like the KM game is now. The MM stands for Michael Mepham who was the compiler of the Saturday and Monday (Herculis) GK crosswords in the Daily Telegraph. All was fine intil he suddenly died and the Telegraph stoped publishing links between the two Xwords. We therefore created our own game where one of us chooses the pairs of links in advance and sends them to Crofter who scores and manages the game. The game starts at 9am Saturday. The results are revealed 7pm Sunday. The same setter does a complete month. The new setter is chosen by Crofter from the highest scorers at the end of the month.
About 6 weeks after Michael Mepham died, his daughter Kate Mepham (KM) took over compiling the Telegraph GK crosswords and re-introduced the links.
We now had a dilemma, ditch the new game and replace it with the newspaper one, or run the two alongside each other. The latter was what happened, so hence we have both the KM game and the MM game.
Good Luck with both.
gen2 (reserve scorer)