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Plays or Books

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Quizmaster | 16:17 Fri 10th Jul 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
1 Female bends to Succeed
2 An officer of the law visits

Also place name in UK
1Might the butcher wishing to become proficient in the art of macrame practice by doing this in his spare time waiting for customers
Thank you for any replies


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1. She stoops to conquer
2. An Inspector Calls
2. An Inspector Calls
Nottingham....Knotting Ham.
Question Author
Thank you very much vegasmad & JMR27 for your quick replies
Could you help me with
8 ) narritive of a couple of conurbations

10 ) global navington achieved in 4/5ths of 2400 hours

Thank you
8. A Tale of Two Cities
10. Around the world in 80 days.

Please can you help me with:
1. Terrible Storm
4. Definite contenders
9. High Hopes
Many thanks.
9. Great Expectations.
Thank you oldwoman for your help.
4 The Rivals ?
1. The Tempest
A big thank you to you all for your help.
Question Author
thank you very much for that one oldwoman, sorry I did not reply sooner to you brntt & hellomummy but oldwoman & SpodoCommoc have given the answers which are the same as mine
Thanks again

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