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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:59 Sat 05th Dec 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
120 Answers
Good evening, the Club is now Open.

I hope all went well in my absence last week and that the cellar is in the same condition as I left it.

Sadly Lordalex had a bit of a mishap on his return from his outing last week and is laid up in bed under the doctor with his thigh. He sends cordial greetings to you all and has high hopes of some embrocation later.
Please on no account anyone give him a cocktail.


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Buckets!!!!! sorry I've used the bath for the tailcosks tonight, one in all in WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Splash
Oh heck, sorry all I nodded off during TV burp and woke up chewing a cushion.

Have brought mince pies and brandy nutter and made a tray of tailcocks.

Petal I have your new meds so don`t fret the horse pills will do you fine.

Will nip up and see his ludship in a moment.
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Oh Mamya I am sooooo pleased to see you.
We would never manage without you .
bring your cushion closer to the fire and have a sip of atsgran's bucket of tailcock.
There's a tiny bit of gattox left too. We were thinking of raffling it off , but you can have it.

Lordalex has been asking for you. You know that he so enjoys your healing hands.
If he`s under the doctor will I have to shift him/her off first afore I massage
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the doctor is indeed a she.......Lordalex insists on it if he is to be under them for any length of time.
Perhaps you could entice her off with some liniment ?
You will be ok mama, the doctor is in the bath with me - carry on with your healing hands
good thinking or a mince pie maybe, how did he incur the injury or is it too delicate to ask?

Hope your diet is not ruined tonight
atsgran is that the bath you made the teilcocks in, if so I think I will stick with matrons tonight
no alexandred, the tailcocks in the lower upper front back room are fine, I just made some for me and the doctor Hic
forsooth atsgran in the bath eh? well good job we are broadminded and it will save water if you are bathing in taicocks but be warned Alfie will lick your ankles when he sees you!
can i have a long tailcock

i need to dip me teff in
Bapla you can soak your teef in the bath now
Bapla we don`t dip, we occasionally dunk a hobnob - are you lost dear?
Is the deer out with hump and ellie mama?
lost? mamy i`m postivtily heloucinating nob hobs are to hard i need some thing soft to start off with... what else can you offer me please

atsgran thanks i`ve had a dip but its to cold it makes teff ache
very likely atsgran its a nature park out there
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Lordalex's injury was sustained last week as we returned from our engagement.
Suffice it to say that the noble house that we visited had an excellent cellar. Notice the past tense.

As you all know, negotiating the drawbridge here can be tricky and Lordalex just would not wait for me to order up the portcullis. He unfortunately slipped through one of the ports and has done his thigh a mischief.

he is a dear, but he forgets his age sometimes.
Atsgran, are you aware that the Dr is a Laydee ?
bapla I have some WD40 you can rub on your gums that should help and swill a tailcock round
Yip your ladyship I noticed, but we are just friends
Hello all, bit late brought a kangaroo for the raffle. Tailcock please.

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