hi still struggling
if anyone is doing the yorkshire air ambulance i an still struggling on nos 5 , 13, 20, 23, 24, 26, 37, 38, 40 42, 44,69. these are all pictures so cant put question but any help gratefully accepted
Hi smurff ,as the compiler of the quiz i couldn't really help as it wouldn't be fair.They are all very well known though.Hope you are enjoying the quiz,Polly
thanks really enjoying the quiz, but am now struggling as the closing date is starting to get close and what with the festivities havent had time to really search so starting to panic
That'll be why you've already asked for the answers to more than a quarter of the questions in this quiz. What satisfaction do you get from getting someone else to give you the answers? More importantly, how does that help the charity?
I think I'm entitled to my opinion just as much as you are.
smurff - any chance of answering my questions? If you think getting other people to answer for you is ok, there should be no problem in you answering such a simple couple of questions, should there?