do you have dinner at dinner time? in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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do you have dinner at dinner time?

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Bobbisox | 14:54 Wed 20th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
and tea at tea-time?
We Northern folk class dinner-time as 12-1, whereas my sister who has lived in Kent for years says it's between 5-7ish, that's tea-time oop Norf...lol
although we have our main meal then...are you confused yet..lol
so am I !!

Bobbi ♥
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When do you have lunch?
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at dinner time..lol

5-7 is tea time.

7-9 is dinner time.

9 or later is supper time.

So if you eat "dinner" in the middle of the day, when do you have lunch?
I tend to describe a meal it 12-1 as lunchtime/lunch and the evening meal as dinner and I am from the midlands, mind you some parts of the midlands describe lunch as "dinner time" and evening meal as tea time, at least breakfast is a constant ;)
i live down south wiltshire and ive always classed dinner as 12ish and tea 7ish its like when your at work you go for dinner you dont go for tea
What about supper?
I'm with you Bobbs- dinner is at 12-1pm ish, and tea time is at 5pm ish.
when i was a child, breakfast was 0800
dinner 1200
Tea 1600

and if you were not there you missed it.

My dad was a strict millitary minded man.
When I'm with my family & friends (Fen Wobbits), we have dinner at lunchtime.
When I'm with the BF or his family (Cardiff Posh) we have dinner in the evening.
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I don't suppose 'lunch-time' was ever used in the North by the miners and such so dinner time kinda stuck
We have dinner at dinner time in the evening and lunch at lunch time (1.00ish) and don't ever, never ever, have a meal called 'Tea'. We drink tea not eat it. Dinner, is surely a main meal and you can't eat dinner and call it tea. Buif we do have tea as a meal (and if it is sandwiches or similar)if we are invited out for tea but that is usually in the early evening. Are you more confused now Bobbi. ;o)
So are Mancunian "Ladies Wot Lunch"

... known as "Ladies Wot Dinner"

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Fen Wobbits???
love that..lol
errmmm what are they?
We don't have supper time, dinner time is the last meal of our day. However, if we have another meal after dinner it is called being just plain piggish!!
When I was working class, as a child.......dinner was around mid-day.

Now I am posh and upper middle class (birth precludes me from being upper class) dinner is in the evening.
People who live in the fenlands bobbi - usually the Lincolnshire Fens.
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I most certainly am Lottie..he-he
OMG yours was defo a military run home logic..lol
It's a phase coined by an old mate of mine. Funny really - he came from Sheffield, so he could hardly be derogatory.
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OK sqad, define middle class please ..lol

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do you have dinner at dinner time?

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