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Things we do with food

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cornelia 1 | 19:47 Sun 24th Jan 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
18. A waterfall to be reckoned with (Think it starts with a F)
22. Apply warmth to aquatic mammal(Think it starts with either G,H or I)
39 LOOK CROWS SPACES (anagram 2 words)


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22 Heatseal
39 Scrapes Slowcook
can you help with 15 Take risks with and 32 Choose select and destroy
Question Author
Thanks gen 2 and julia-mag.
This is what I have if it is of ant use
15. Dice
32. Pickle???
Question Author
Also just noticed still another missing
23. Sixteen is reversed (or headless)
thank you cornelia Best of luck Julia-mag
What was 16?
Can you help with 24. Hostelry meat juices

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Things we do with food

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