I am afraid that I have come down with the worst cold in the world today, so will be unlikely to make much of a contribution this evening. I'm sure that other members will all rally round in my time of need and keep up the club activities.
I would donate a half-empty box of tissues to the raffle, but I need them :-((
Lordalex has not succumbed to this dreadful lurgi and whilst I was indisposed has run amok in the garden. He has planted potatoes in the hanging baskets and petunias in the onion patch. The lawn looks like a tiger skin rug where he has run the mower over it and to the best of my knowledge he is still out there causing mayhem, shouting at the neighbours and occasionally waving at the traffic.
In these circumstances I am taking the approved medical treatment ....whisky with more whisky ...and retreating to bed.
If I manage to raise my head later I will look in again, meanwhile, good luck with the club and here's hoping he tires himself out soon.
Perhaps Mamya will be able to soothe him, she said forlornly......
I am sorry to read that you are sorely suffering,MRLitis,i've no doubt.took Bigs to Bribgewater this am,not a pleasant experience,got lost on way home,saaid i'd been shopping,as only 20miles from home!sad or what?
I have a L A R G E G&T in my paw as we speak. How are you all ? Oh LadyA i am glad you have tissues and not Bronco paper . That stuff fairly shreds the nose !! When is the trip to the Isle Of Man ? The tunnel is complete now. it took a long time as one was working alone......not that I am one to complain < mutter mutter winge winge >