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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:59 Sat 15th May 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
120 Answers
The club is now open.

Good evening everyone.
The Committee have met again and decided.

I do hope that members will not be deterred by the ash tonight as the non-raffle has some lush prizes.
eg A hardly used bar of Pears soap
two bars of Ex-lax
and a beautifully hand-crafted tea-cosy in fetching shades of mustard and lime.(No kitachen is complete without one of them.)

I'm sure other prizes will emerge as the evening progresses.


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Ghosts ? Ghosts ? Has someone seen a ghost again ?

Mamya ! Help ! The ghosts have returned. We need your services withthe oi oooi wee board thingy that gets rid of them.
Are we doing Wii? - i thought we'd banned the oiuja board after lordalex got underneath it and was fooling us all!
Just the man I need (well any man will do) the handbrake has slipped off my motor scooter and Its gone into the moat, Could you assist me and drag it out. I hope it will dry out in time to go home, if not, could presume to stay the night milady I'll sleep on the sofa,
I will lend a hand on my way out gran, fear not, I need to be wending my way anyway. No teacosy, no noseclips (hint) - but it's been fun. I will think of you from foreign parts, if I can find a place to buy a stamp I will send you all a postcard. See you soon!
not more ghostly goings on I hope the only spirits I need are in a bottle, ever seen we had that spitualist person I have been looking over my shoulder. Probably why I have a stiff neck
Its okay Milady I have knitted a ghost and will perform voodoo on it that will see them orf

How rude of me forgot to say goodbye and bon voggie to those who are off on travels, don`t get further than the gatehouse these days.
Goodnight and goodbye for now Boxy, hope you have a lovely time, indeed hope you get off the ground. I'll sort out the noseclips and the other bicycle clip by the time you get back.
just returned,I heard odd noises,tripped over Grans scooter,so got the huskies to pull it back here & get plastered,sorry a plaster for my knee,from Mamya.also did I leave my pills
I`ll get the meds trolley petal, looks like the ash has claimed a few already!
has someone been smoking on the step and flicking ash around? is that why we cant get off the ground?
many thanks Mamya,then I'd better head for the old homestead & recover my composure
as well as getting some sleep
If you cannot find it petal it may be in lost prop, goodnight.

I never flick my ash have a receptacle for it as does missmeg when we sneak out for a ciggie.
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Sorry, got delayed by a blocked drain in the upper blue and lime bathroom...nearly all cleared now.

Good night to everyone who has come and have a great hol, boxtops. Hope the ash doesn't delay you .

Thanks so much for sorting out the phantom, Mamya.
I think you may be on to something about the smokers, alexanderd. This whole ash thing was never a problem when people could smoke inside.
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Do you keep your ash receptacle in your reticule ?
Ladyalex, I might.....if i knew whar a recticule was. Isnt that whats on the end of your fingers?
Indeed I do milady along with my etui.

Do enjoy your travels and give my best wishes to the young master and do tell I still hold a torch for him.
While I remember, might not make it next week and if I do I will be late as I am attending a musical recital by Mark Knopfler
Back now, bags of chips, fish and gherkins.Also a bit of whitebait that was on offer. Tuck in.
ooh chish and fips lovely. I will pass on the gherkins if you dont mind, they give me the burps

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