I often use the "find" facility under the "edit" tab in Firefox when I'm looking for something specific on a webpage. The problem is that the facility moves the page up or down to show the word I'm looking for either at the extreme top of the window or at the extreme bottom ie the first line or last line.
In most case this is OK, but when I want to read the sentence the word is located in, I've got to move the sidebar up or down to see the complete sentence.
Is there any way that I get Firefox to find the word in such a way that it places it in the centre of the screen so that I can see the word in context of the the other words around it?
There is practically nothing to add or change with the Find Toolbar.
I have looked several times.
It could do with hacks to stop the "jump to" and a button adding to the main toolbar, also to change the highlight colour.
Some things are editable in the user file or about:config, but not these.
Hmm, this is the conclusion I've come to too. Thanks AlBags. Seeing that Firefox is OpenSource, it might be worthwhile commenting on these anomalies on the Mozilla website. One day, a clever developer might get round to providing user options to put this right.