Yes. Totally unfair isn't it. And the Welsh don't pay for prescriptions medicine either. And there are lots of other discrepancies. What we need is an English Parliament. We are hard done by. Personally, I think if the Welsh and Scottish want to be separate then they should be separate in all respects.
ok so are you saying that if you live in engand but decide to go to scottish uni that it'll be free? or is it onlu OTHER eu contries that can go to uni for free in scotland? if so i wwonder why more english school leavers dont apply to go to a scottish uni?
steg...that was the point of my don´t have to be Scottish, as long as you come from an EU country outside of Scotland EXCLUDING England.
it is paid for by the Scottish parliament tho' and not the British parliament, if it is unfair, vote for a party (if there is one) that will do the same for english
Is it not more a case of people lobbying their MP's for England to have an independent Parliament to Westminster also? I would think that would be the way forward as you dont get anything unfortunately just complaining -you have to be pro active.Good luck .
Dris......I couldn´t care less about an Independent Parliament, my point is:
If you are Scottish or come from an EU country outside of Scotland and go to a Scottish University, then Scottish parliament will pay your fees
If you are English and your parents earn over the sum that I mentioned AND you want to go to a Scottish University, then you must contribute.