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ross-shire journal balblair crossword

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cran275 | 14:23 Fri 30th Jul 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
17a up to now having no right to a chair (4) s--a
22a because one does wrong against the church (5) -----
24a name another one which is a bloomer (7) ------e
23a men of the cloth (7) t-i----
20d something like a new york figure (6) an----
14d is made up of tories and is in back street (8) c--s----
18d identify guilty person by touch (6) ------
22d kill the second song (4) ----
21d the man in madrid (5) s----
25a for example the engineers on board have way out (6) -g----


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23a Tailors
17) sofa
22a sin ce
25a Egress
17a sofa
22a since
24a anemone
23a tailors
20d anyone ?
14d consists
22d slay
21d senor
25a egress
22d Slay
18) finger?

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ross-shire journal balblair crossword

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