Well, after weeks of stravaiging and gallivanting, it is wonderful to be back in the bosom of the Club.
Examination of the Minutes of the meetings held in my absence suggest that all has gone well , with the possible exception of a few cases missing from the cellar, but we will draw a veil over that.
There will be the usual raffle tonight and I have donated
A National Truss Tea Towel, hardly used at all.
Half a tin of toffees (only a few teethmarks showing)
and a Buff Puff Body Rub (completely new, but rather elderly).
Good evening milady and all. I am so late I may be early for next week's party but I have brought 2 oz ( or unspecified fraction of kilogram that the mathematical genius can work out for me ) that were picked at lunchtime under the railway bridge. Sorry they are a bit squashy - it was raining steadily at the time - but stirred into the tailcocks you'll not notice.
Doo doo in the drive? Oh, your ladyship, please may I have it? I have to go to my allotment - biorhythms are telling me it's time to plant my wool seeds or they won't be ready for gathering on time.
Thank you so much, your ladyship - I will hie me off now and fill my boots with it - makes walking slightly squelchy but don't want to miss my bio slot! Thanks, everyone, for a lovely evening - hope you all sleep like cro...logs.