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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:59 Sat 18th Sep 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
175 Answers
The Club is now Open.

The Committee has decided to re-instate the raffle this week.

Prizes so far include :
A tin of sardines, sell by date illegible
4 reels of black cotton
Half a box of chocolates (Hard centres only)

As we have not had a demonstration for some time, perhaps we can prevail upon one of our members to give us an illustrated talk on the subject of their choice ?
The Committee is aware that many members are very talented and in these straitened times we must make our own entertainments.

Members will also be glad to know that the oubliette has been cleared and cleaned, ready for .....


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Sorry sense are a little befuddled tonight.....
I've never tasted funeral cake, is it dead nice?
Good evening ladies, I'm glad they've let you out ttfn.
I have brought a couple of tins of soup Spicy Tomato and a Cream of Parsnip, just slightly dented, a bottle of Dentex mouthwash. and a box of dates.
I hope you don't mind but I have also brought my knitting with me, winter is almost upon us, and my little Chumley needs to have a warm coat.
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Welcome, Prudentia and Gran

I thought you were from the spirit world, Prudentia, so would hav eaten your share and more of funeral cake.

Thank you somuch for the prizes, gran.
Perhaps we can get you to give us a talk on your knitting ?
Hi lovely ladies..
Chumley? Is that your little pussy gran?
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Is there an echo in here?
Pru, it's delicious. Next time I'll make you one.

I am wishing very hard for you, and sending out much vibes for you so you could win the one in today's raffle.
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I don't think that's allowed, society.....fixing the raffle like that....

Champipple, have you found the drinks and nibbles ?
Hello champipple and Prudentia. (I think Matron may have got your name a little wrong champ - but please don't point it out, her eyes get tired these days, bless her)
Forgive me society dear, my eyes are a little tired too. What a kind thought in bringing your lovely raffle prize.
Oh dear have I, so sorry Chamnibble.

Prudentia a funeral cake must be made of darkest choccy.

AYG oooh I loves parsnip soup, hope I win that.
True, I am from the spirit world and we have wine and all we need but, Tesco is only open for three minutes on st. tesco's day and we just can't all get round there, there are billions of us here in the queue even at the six items or less,.
The pussy is getting on a bit now ttfn, and a little threadbare I find it kinder to knit a warm coat for the poor thing.

I would be honoured to speak to the assembly, My talk would be about "The wonders of pearl and plain". If that is successful I will proceed with the "Garter for everyone" and "Advanced Cable". You will be spellbound.
So, may one ask, whio is going to start the party pieces tonight m'lady?
Pssssttttttt m'lady - you have been 'stickied' again - warmest congratulations
Good evening ladies.

I have a drinks trolley surplus to requirements. It is missing one wheel and the handle has worked loose. The veneer has worn through in the right-hand corner of the top tray and the bottom tray has unfortunately collapsed under the weight of the bottles.

But other than that it is in perfect condition. Works a treat as long as you don't want to push it anywhere. Any good for the raffle?
Oh gran please do start, I cannot turn a heel, only my ankle (unless alexanderd is taking me around the floor you understand). Talking of whom, has anyone seen the dark, handsome, mysterious 'a' yet tonight? M'lady - you cannot have set him to work at the moat,surely - there is a little nip in the air tonight and he has only just returned from warmer climes?
ttfn, marjorie has collapsed in hysterics, is there something I don't understand here?
mrs C, sounds good for the bonfire really, but very welcome.

Oooh we are stuck how great!!

Yes all pussy's need warmth gran.

where did chabibble go? a fleeting visit.

Pru is there a St Asda day too?

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