Fantastic, thank you. I just have a few more left to get!! All clothing or materials. 1) Pooh has not got one, but Rupert's is yellow 2) Smart gear for performing sports activities 3) Traders? 4) Move about in an agitated way 5) Auditory impairment.
You guys are so quick to answer, thank you. One or two more 1) good - for catching fish - in a hat? 2) do solicitors wear these in the middle, that is? 3) hurl those rugby players 4) hair from a lovely pet and commercial animal 4) said to be an apology before the remains of a fire
Thank you so much, folks, you are amazing!! I have just one or two more. 1) worn in all their glory 2) a tropical fish wearing a nun's headcloth 3) very wise but no teeth!