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FAO Mamyalynne or any other MOFC members

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ladyalex | 16:26 Sat 22nd Jan 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
I won't be able to attend tonight as my presence is required at a Beetle Drive.

Please can someone open up. The key is in the usual place.

Beetles permitting, I will try to look in later.

ladyalex :-))
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Well, it will be a hard days night, but as usual I will get by with a little help from my friends.
Mamya is having trouble with her flap today, ladyalex...
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Thanks, pals. I saw that flaps were a problem , Ena.

I'll ask around tonight at the Beetle Drive. It's out in the sticks so I'm sure they will have some homespun advice there.
Please Ena, am sure it would be better to stay on topic, we don't want her Ladyship to have a decline before she meets Sir Paul
Beetles in the sticks, ladya? it sounds very dodgy to me...
Taking a risk, aren't you milady? What if we peasants break in and take over the gaff?
dont do it mike.........the hypodermic will be on standby !!!!
Yes beware am on form today LOL
if you open up now mamyalynne i can come over and you can make my dinner while i keep you company
Cheek!! am busy with my other issue.
she cant kate. mamy has a poorly flap. but her knockers are better ?
oh'she'll be fine as long as she doesnt talk too much,i know she's worried about her knockers,arent you???
It's me flap I tell thee!!
Back at 8pm, things to do.

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