Whatever is the cause I hope it's only temporary and go away quickly.
I've done a google search and found any of the following could be the cause -
1. Repeated exposure to loud noise.
One of the reasons why a person can hear a ringing sound even though there is no external source is that when the tiny auditory hairs in the cochlea get bent or broken due to loud or sudden noise. In a normal setting, these tiny hairs move when a sound is detected in the inner ear, and electrical impulses are discharged through the auditory nerve, which the brain interprets as sound. However, when these hairs get bent or broken, they send electrical impulses randomly to the brain. The brain then interprets these impulses as sound even though there is no external source. This sound is what we know as tinnitus.
2. Stress or Trauma
A primitive part of the brain called hypothalamus controls many systems in the body. The hypothalamus and the organs in the brain that it controls produce chemicals that are needed to make our body function normally. However, when the hypothalamus is subjected to shock, grief, and long continued stress, it will not be able to produce the chemicals that our body needs to function normally. Unhealthy conditions can occur, and these include tinnitus.
3. Sinusitis or Allergy
Sinusitis and allergy cause ear ringing because of the kind of drugs that their sufferers use: antibiotics for sinusitis and antihistamines for allergy. The long term use of these medications causes the mucous in the middle ear to thicken. This then results to pressure build-up, thus leading to middle ear infections, and yes, ear ringing.
4. Meniere's Disease
Meniere's Disease, which is an inner ear disorder, is one of the medical conditions that causes tinnitus. It is a chronic condition that makes on e experience periods of vertigo, dizziness, nausea, and ear pressure, and it often