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hibiscusrose | 09:55 Sat 26th Feb 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
1. Stroke round cheek consuming grog here in Western Australia
pattern: (13 letters)
- u - r - m - - - t - c -

2. A french coin's fake
pattern (6 letters)
- - r - a -

I've been trying all day to finish this one off.
Thank you for any help


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2) unreal
1. Burrumbuttock
Question Author
Touchstone: Thank you. I think that's right, but how does that fit in with a french coin?

Roslyn: How on earth did you get that??? I just checked and it really is a place. Maybe they got the WA bit wrong as it's in NSW.

Thank you both very much. I really appreciate your help
A in French = un+ real which is an old Spanish coin
hibiscus rose - try the "Universal Crossword solver" It's very good, gives proper nouns etc.

bur (rub reversed) rum (grog) buttock (cheek)

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