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Movies quiz

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GRUMPY | 16:21 Thu 03rd Mar 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
17 Answers
30) Genuine male performance (6,4)
31) familiar line up (5,8)
32) Training infants (7,8)
34) Angry wine makers (6,2,5)
65) Highly confused rope (7,4)
Thanks for any help were not very good on films


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31 Usual Suspects
30 Truman Show
65 Notting hill?
34 grapes of wrath
34 grapes of wrath
I am not being critical (honestly) but I asked someone else a similar thing recently.

You admit "we're not very good on films" yet you still sent for a movies quiz - why?
Presumably to support the charity it was written for?
Fair point squarebear, but I avoid quizzes I don't enjoy or can't do (discovered by trial and error).
There are plenty of other charity quizzes which are "do-able" rather than struggle on regardless with a difficult one and surely the charity has your money anyway assuming you paid for it on request??

Curiosity gets the better of me sometimes.
32 Railway Children
Question Author
Quizmaster I/we enjoy doing ALL quizes that our friend in the uk sends us and that we support any charities by buying these quizes.The whole purpose of AB is to enable like minded people to help each other but if you do not feel you want to help thats fine.

I suggest that you do not look at the quizes section if you do not like quizes.
I was NOT being critical merely curious.

I'm afraid this rather aggressive and angry response is now becoming typical of any kind of interaction on this site, though thankfully not as bad as other sites.

I was merely questioning why EVERY quiz needs to be finished. Send in your quiz with blanks or give the money to charity anyway.

I like quizzes very much and try to do as many as I can but if I struggle with any I stop that particular quiz (I'm £1 down-charity £1 up)

You don't HAVE to finish them all!
Quizmaster your bang out of order - Grumpy is correct, this site is called The ANSWERbank.

As Grumpy says if you don't like it don't look and more so don't comment
Oh dear, I'm being attacked by the cartoon army!

Whether I look or not, the ANSWERbank will keep on going and quizsetters will still give up in despair
I'm off to don my superhero guise.
You are so so needy why did you bother commenting.

You know you have to use cartoons for children so they understand.
I'm not the one with a cartoon avatar. There must be a deep and meaningful reason for picking it.
Its a self portrait. I won't reply again as you obviously must have the last word as I said needy
"I won't reply again"

Thank goodness for that.

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