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AB pub quiz

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crisgal | 20:51 Wed 16th Mar 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
do you still do this? If so, when's the next one and how do I take part?


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Sorry, I haven't done one for ages but I might do another one at the end of April if anyone is interested?
Count me in Squarebear !
I'm sure Team Narnia will all be interested.

Let's all get down to the Snooty Fox again!
Hehe! It's a date. I'll get the microphone and record player from the pub cellar. Hope it still works after the cold winter we had.
I am in too, will let others know too.
Shall we say the last Friday in the month again? That will be 29th April. Royal Wedding day if that's ok with everyone? We'll aim to start for about 9pm if that's ok?
29th April 9pm is in my diary!

Can we do a kind of a 'dry run' a couple of days before so that people can figure out how the system works, please, Squarebear ?
There did seem to be a bit of a problem for some folks in getting started.
Sure, I don't see why not.
Thanks, Squarebear.

Might have to have a couple of dry runs.....
Here. Watch this space...
with m'lady and mamya around, I doubt they'll be 'dry runs' ... one of mamya's concoctions would wipe out the opposition, no worries !!
Oh Yes, count me in squarebear and thanks. Great quizzes. If you need any help warming up the the equipment, you can borrow my hairdrier
I will bring me mop Seekerz.
Looks like we have a full complement in Narnia.

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AB pub quiz

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